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发表时间:2023-03-29 23:49:24  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
      "我能和你合影吗?"英文是:"Can I take a picture with you?"      也可以说:Let's take a group photo. 让我们来张合影。      group photo英 [ɡru:p ˈfəutə.

      "我能和你合影吗?"英文是:"Can I take a picture with you?"

      也可以说:Let's take a group photo. 让我们来张合影。

      group photo英 [ɡru:p ˈfəutəu]   美 [ɡrup ˈfoto]  合影

      1、We have a group photo taken to mark the graduation. 


      2、The mayor had a group photo with the stars of the catering industry 


      3、All the participants were assembled and a group photo was shot.




      英 [ˈfəʊtəgrɑ:f]   美 [ˈfoʊtəgræf]  


      vt.& vi.为…拍照;拍照,摄影;成为拍照对象,在照片上显得

      第三人称单数: photographs 复数: photographs 现在分词: photographing 过去式: photographed 过去分词: photographed

      1、The photograph showed a distinct image. 


      2、Her photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times. 


      3、This photograph flatters you. 





      "我能和你合影吗?"英文翻译为:May I take a picture with you?或May I take a photo with you?

      (1)may i

      英 [ˈmeɪbi]   美 [ˈmebi]  




      英 [ˈpɪktʃə(r)]   美 [ˈpɪktʃɚ]  



      (3)with you



      合影的相关短语有:have a group photo taken; group photo.


      1、We have a group photo taken to mark the graduation. 


      2、The mayor had a group photo with the stars of the catering industry 


      3、I've got a photo of him on the wall. 


拍照可不只是“take a photo”那么简单哦!


      Could you take a photo for us?


      May I take a photo with you?



      One more ,please.




      Okay, you can press the shutter/button now.

      Okay, you can pull the trigger now.


      一般在请人照相时提到“按下快门”, 我们很少会正经八百地说:pull the trigger. 通常就说 :press the button. 或是有时强调用力按下去时会说:press the button all the way down.



      Could you take one more shot for us from this angle?




      Could you take a picture for us with……as the background?



      Do you know how to do this timer thing?


      Timer 就是定时器, 用在照像机上就专指相机的定时自拍功能。 通常在拍团体照 (group picture) 的时候都会用到定时器 (timer)和三角架 (tripod).


      The photograph is really well taken.


      It's a little bit faint.


      It's blurred.


      Great! Thanks a lot! Would you like to take one for you as well?



      Let's get the picture taken.

      Let's take a picture.

      Picture time!

      Photo time!

「想你」只会说miss you?这些英文表达高级又动人

      临行在即、久别重逢、久未谋面……总有一些要表达思念的场合,中文里有“一日不见如隔三秋”、“曾经沧海难为水”等情深又高级的表达,而英文中印象最深的似乎只有I miss you。



      I've been thinking about you.


      I can't stop thinking about you.


      I can't wait to see you again.


      I wish you were here.


      I can't wait to talk to you again.


      I'm counting down the days.


      I'm counting the days until I see you again.


      When will I see you again?


      When can I see you again?


      I hope I see you again soon.


      I've been thinking of you.


      I was thinking about you and it made me smile.


      I feel sad without you.


      You've been on my mind recently.


      All I do is to think of you.


      I think of you night and day.


      Your picture makes me smile.


      I haven't seen you for such a long time.


      It's been too long since I last saw you.


      I hope you come here soon.


      Visit me soon please.

